Staff Corner: March 2022

WHA Rising Leaders 2022 – Resiliency  

Last year, I wrote about leadership in a year characterized by unprecedented times. And while we are ever hopeful that the pandemic is on the decline, we are nevertheless facing a new set of global challenges with implications locally. Whether we want to or not, we are going to continue to live in interesting times. Our 2022 cohort will continue to build on the growing tradition of leadership in quality planned development in West Houston while doing so through the twin lenses of transition and resiliency. In late 2020, The Center for Creative Leadership wrote about leading in times of profound change and identified 3 stages of transition: accepting the current ending, living in a space of neutral curiosity, and finally, having found clarity, diving deep into the new beginning. As we have continued to tweak our Rising Leaders program, we hope to take the plunge into building a resilient West Houston with our up-and-coming generation of leaders. 

WHA’s next generation of leaders has a firm foothold in our Rising Leaders. WHA’s Rising Leaders program differs from other leadership programs in that it is uniquely designed to accelerate leadership within WHA. Participants come to us with industry experience and expertise already well established. This program utilizes that expertise to create lasting relationships between members and the vision and mission of WHA. Our goal is to provide the networks and resources to achieve a thriving West Houston region. To be eligible to submit a Rising Leader nominee, you must be a current Quality Growth Partner. Applications are due April 1st. We look forward to introducing our new cohort to you in May!  

Finally, a quick update on our most recent class graduates! Cohorts 5 & 6, in addition to jumping into committee work, are also in full swing planning our 2nd Annual Rising Leaders Topgolf Tournament! This year’s competition will be held on Thursday, May 26th at Topgolf Katy. We are bringing back the Hole-in-One competition for a cash prize of $10,000, another excellent crop of silent auction and raffle items, and of course, our trophies for longest drive and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams. Sponsorship and team opportunities are up on our website and the link above. Come jump start your long weekend with an afternoon of friendly competition, networking, and fun!  

For more information, please contact Jennifer Boggs at